Welcome to the Motueka Anglican Parish
101 High Street
What we believe
We believe that God loves us so much that He sent His Son to become human and teach us, and show us, the way back into an intimate and meaningful relationship with Him
We believe that Jesus came to us to reconcile us back to God not rub our noses in our brokenness and turns His back on our frailty.
We believe that Jesus has made a way for us to know God and has given us his Holy Spirit so that we can live as sons and daughters of a good Father with all the reality and power of heaven available to us here on earth. We desire to invite people to discover this way of life.
We believe that the kingdom of God is available to us, down to the level of our thoughts, emotions, and habits — We know this can happen through personal transformation.
We believe that justice, mercy, and love are the economy of heaven.
We believe that God has a unique purpose and calling for Aotearoa/New Zealand, and He is pouring out riches, giftings and the desire to seek Him, into this land in a way that does not exist elsewhere.
We believe that humble will be exalted, so we treasure the infinite value of our children and our vulnerable people.
Normal Sunday Every Week:
9:00 am
A rich traditional prayer-book service – Original church building
(The service is approx. 60 mins)
10:30 am (We begin with a coffee @ 10)
Engage Church:
Nau mai, haere mai!
We recognize and acknowledge the sovereignty of God and through His Son, Jesus Christ and by the power of His Holy Spirit, we desire to reach all those whom God has created, to share with them the Good News of Jesus
Beginning together over coffee, this service brings a space for the movement of the Holy Spirit and an invitation for interaction from all who gather in this church community.
Our preaching is from the scriptures, and our worship music is to gather, invite and grow in our relationship with Jesus.
We acknowledge the commandment (Luke 22:19) and the foundation of the early church (1 Cor 14:26) when we share the Lords supper with each other.
We further acknowledge that this is a time to bring our cares, hurts, illnesses, and brokenness to the foot of the cross…. and leave them there, trusting in the Grace extended to us through Jesus sacrifice, once and for all, on the cross.
We meet in the auditorium and this is a relaxed time, with space to focus on Jesus amongst us. Come as you are. All welcome (Each service is 60-90mins)
10:30am every Sunday @ St. Thomas Church
Gathering of a Samoan Methodist Congregation
Led by Rev. Alefa Taumaoe
1pm every Sunday @ St. Thomas Church
Gathering of a Tongan congregation
St. Thomas church Foyer
101 High Street, Motueka
Engage Gathering has commenced. We are really excited as we continue to discover all that God is doing among us all.
If this idea of gathering in a safe and informative place, able to ask or just listen, meet like minded people and grow, this is for you.
We gather to share, fun, faith and food.
Please bring a plate to share.
Blessings and Shalom as you consider gathering with us.
Dates for 2025 to be announced soon
in the foyer @ St. Thomas church 101 High Street, Motueka. 0204727474
Check us out on
or call on : 0204 727474 (0204PARISH)
or email : motuekaparish@gmail.com
Other Churches in this parish:
Each 2nd & 4th Sunday
St. Barnabas – Main Road, Riwaka 9:30am – This is an informal gathering to discover the truths in scripture, worship and pray together. (60mins)
3rd Sunday each month
St. James Ngatimoti gather at 10:30am in a traditional communion service (60mins)
As this particular fellowship service a wide area, the service is multi-denominational in style and led by different clergy, of different denominations, each month.
10am to midday... drop in for a cuppa and a chat at the St Thomas foyer.
Contact Joan Fraser ph 528 9126
Chris & Sheila Budgen open the church at Riwaka between 10-11am each Wednesday if you simply want a chat or a quiet space
Engage Groups – Doing life together to know Christ and make Him known – Call the office 0204 727474 for more detail.
Engage study and fellowship group 10.30am -12pm (noon) (These groups are in recess at present)

We are recording our 9 or 10:30am services (sometimes both) and we can be found on YouTube:
Type in the search box: Motanglican
We look forward to sharing these gatherings with you as we walk a step closer with God.
In keeping with our obligations under The Royal Commission on Abuse in Care we direct any inquiry or concerns to this web site: Ministry Standards
For all church information, facility bookings or to contact the vicar, Russell:
please call or text
0204 727474 (0204PARISH)
The answer machine will be responded to as soon as possible.
Or in an emergency call the wardens;
Robin Mead or Janet Turner – 0204 727474 (0204PARISH)
Social Media access
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